
Trackers Skills - Online Adult Classes
Online adult classes taught by top Trackers Guides. Explore subjects like gardening, birding and botany, bushcraft skills like fire-building without matches, knot-tying, fishing, wild plant identification and more.

Outdoor Skills Courses
$95 One Day Family Basics (Ages 11- Adult) May 10$95 p站免翻墙版 Mar 21, 22, April 11, May 9, 17, 23, 24, 30 or 31
$195 Knife Making Basics Mar 28-29
Wilderness Survival
$49 Wilderness Survival Basics March 15 or April 5Wild Plant Basics
$49 Wild Plant Basics March 14p站免翻墙版
$49 Fire Woodworking: Bowls & Spoons Basics March 14
Weekend & Year-Round Programs for Adults
Sept - May Wilderness Survival 1 weekend a month
Sept - May Homesteading 1 weekend a month
Sept - May pixiv稳定梯子 1 weekend a month
Sept - May Archery 1 weekend a month
Sept - May Blacksmithing 1 weekend a month
p站免翻墙版 能上p站的梯子2022 1 weekend a month
Sept - May Wilderness Instructor Training 3-days a week
Train the wilderness skills of an Outdoor Educator & Wilderness Survival Instructor.
Sept - May Forest School Teacher Training 3-days a week
Gain the core skills and essential principles for Forest School education and operations.



Archery Classes
Youth Programs

For families when children are not in school.
Local schools may not be in session every weekday. Trackers is actively exploring options for outdoor adventure for families who need care in fall. Our final programming structure will be based on parents' needs, Oregon Health Authority guidelines, and staffing availability.
Options could include programs 1-3 days a week. Fill out our interest form at this link.

Trackers Forest School
Grades K - 8 Trackers Earth's full-time school.

PreK-K: Rovers Forest Days
Ages 5 Outdoor exploration, nature adventures & hands-on learning. Options Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday.

Adventure days and specialty programs for skills such as blacksmithing and archery.

Summer Camps
At Trackers we continue to plan for summer and registration is open. We look forward to welcoming families and campers in June. If there are any changes to these plans, we will notify families immediately. Please contact our team with any questions and read our Covid-19 update.

Sept - May Monthly mentoring weekends: wilderness survival, archery, homestead craft, kayaking, blacksmithing & more.

Trackers Spark - Online Camps & Classes
Welcome to Trackers Kids online camps and classes. We are excited to bring our many, many years of educational and interactive camp experience to the online learning world. Through interactive, fun and social webinars, kids learn with trained Trackers Guides with role-playing game adventures, crafts, drawing, cooking and more.
Newsletter Signup

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When: Tuesday, July 14th, 2023
Attend our Virtual Forest School Open House. Meet and talk with our teachers and Principal through video conference. Learn how our nature-first approach to education cultivates lifelong learning and resiliency.

OPEN Blacksmithing Forge
$15 Our OPEN Forge is available to prior students - Grade 5 to Adult on Thursdays. You use our blacksmithing workshop for your own projects.
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